Sketchbooking: Left Hand Drawing

This weeks challenge was forced on us as Ellen’s little sister has her arm in a cast, her right arm. To be fair to her I decided that we would all use our left hand for a drawing. Ellen was not convinced that that was such a good idea. So I tried to convince her by letting her pick the subject. She picked the butterfly, but still told me that she didn’t think using the left hand was such a good idea. I just told them they should try their best. Ellen did eventually draw her butterfly with her left hand with a lot of tears. When I asked her why she was crying, she confessed to me that she wanted to draw as pretty as me….







3 thoughts on “Sketchbooking: Left Hand Drawing

  1. Aw, poor little mites. I hope that the arm heals soon and that you can help Ellen feel better about her drawing. You can tell her from me that I think she can “draw pretty”. šŸ™‚

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